Bei den fizzz-Awards wurde Little Link-Gründer Stephan Hinz als Erfolgsgastronom des Jahres ausgezeichnet.
„Dinge anders machen, Grenzen überwinden, neue Wege gehen: Stephan Hinz hat sich einen Status als Visionär der modernen Gastronomie erarbeitet.“
Gin oder Whisky? Shaken oder Rühren? Longdrink oder Cocktail? Du willst an der Bar nicht nur bestellen, sondern auch selbst mixen? Das preisgekrönte Bar-Team aus dem Little Link zeigt dir in unseren Cocktail-Workshops, wie es geht! Von den Must-Have-Zutaten über die entscheidenden Techniken bis hin zu den wichtigsten Cocktailklassikern – natürlich mit ein paar kreativen Twists. Greif selbst zum Shaker, mix mit uns Drinks und werd zum Cocktail-Pro! HIER TICKETS SICHERN: >>> 23. Februar AUSVERKAUFT <<< |
The name Little Link represents the connections we make here – between classic and modern, classy and casual, kitchen and bar, one person and another. To achieve this, we combine traditional bar craftsmanship with innovative preparation techniques. Our self-produced ingredients push the boundaries of the classic bar – from porcini whiskey and rosehip shrub to blackberry caviar.
Our self-produced ingredients push the boundaries of the classic bar – from porcini whiskey and rosehip shrub to blackberry caviar.
At the same time, we respect the whole spectrum of bar culture: A perfectly prepared Manhattan is just as much a part of our menu as a bottle of excellent champagne. Our legendary grilled cheese sandwiches, home-made and freshly prepared, provide the perfect foundation. By the way, you can order many of our drinks to go or have them delivered to your home! order many of our drinks to go or delivered to your home!!
Our vision of bar culture spans 360 degrees – from music, lighting and materials, to often overlooked little things like the perfect glass and ideally matched ice cubes, and to the aroma and taste of our drinks and the consummate service. We create an experience for all the senses that is more than the sum of its parts.
We are also happy to support you in realizing your special occasion, from a birthday party to a corporate event. Either joining us at Little Link, with our clever Captails or with Cocktail catering at a location of your choice! Just send us a message!!
Little Link was founded by the internationally renowned bar expert Stephan Hinz. He has published several specialist books on the subjects of beverages and gastronomy and has shared his knowledge in over 20 countries on four continents. Most recently, he was awarded the title of “Most Innovative Bartender of the Year.”
A completely sustainable cocktail bar is an illusion. If you want to enjoy ice-cold drinks with ingredients from a wide variety of countries all year round, you should be aware of this fact. But that doesn’t mean we can’t do anything to make our operation as sustainable as possible. On the contrary: We take our responsibility seriously and take it as an incentive to constantly get a bit better!
Behind the scenes, a completely digitalized merchandise management and ordering system ensures that paper is almost completely dispensed with. In purchasing, we use seasonal products and large containers whenever we can and reduce waste wherever possible. In our selection of spirits, we increasingly use the sustainable distribution system of EcoSpirits.
Our modern storage system and sophisticated processing methods, such as dehydrating our garnishes, reduce food waste to a minimum. And when your drink is finally in front of you, you’ll notice that you won’t find expendable items like disposable coasters or paper straws. This way, we now save about 500 kg of waste per week compared to similar bars.
Gutes Essen und gute Getränke gehören einfach zusammen. Darum bekommt ihr bei uns täglich bis 23 Uhr eine große Auswahl unserer Sexy Sliders, das sind köstliche Mini-Burger zum Probieren und Teilen! Zum Beispiel mit zartem Chicken, Paprika und Safran-Mayo oder mit geschmolzenem Ziegenkäse, Rucola und Apfel-Rosmarin-Chutney. Und wen spät in der Nacht noch der kleine Hunger packt, den verwöhnen wir mit unseren legendären Sandwiches. All night long! Selbverständlich haben wir auch vegetarische und vegane Optionen auf der Karte.
Awarded for taste and innovation
Maastrichter Straße 20
50672 Köln
Open hours may vary on public holidays.
© 2025 by Cocktailkunst GmbH